Thursday, 25 June 2015

Check-In: 2015-06-22 (Monday) - 2015-06-24 (Wednesday)

Body: WIN! (walking, yoga, chin-ups, diet)
Mind: WIN! (writing, game design)
Spirit: WIN! (writing, game design, Varekai video)
Social: PASS (visiting with friends, corresponding with family)

Varekai continues to be having a profound effect on me. Partly, it has re-instilled a desire for physical ability in me which is helping me to do exercise beyond my step goals. Partly, the story being simple yet extremely well executed has caused it to tug at various heart strings that I have either been neglecting or poorly understood, and this is resulting in a lot of productive introspection. I have been deeply contemplating thoughts about things like my identity or the nature of story.

In any case, I've been working on a variety of writing projects (to the point where I may need to start focusing a little more) ranging from narrative pitches for our video game to artistic expressions about my own inner demons. None of it is publishable yet. One day, perhaps. One day.

I may be a little late getting tomorrow's post published as today is pretty loaded up and, ironically, because I've had so much content to think about that it's hard to distil into a single post. But it should still get published tomorrow afternoon or evening.

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