Saturday, 13 June 2015

Check-In 2015-06-12 (Friday)

Body: PASS (walking, kung fu lite)
Mind: WIN! (cleaning, writing)
Spirit: PASS (gaming, TV, writing)
Social: PASS (rest?)

TV Trope: Contractual Immortality - Major characters rarely die. They may appear to die, but the audience, knowing that this is unlikely, won't feel too concerned. It's much more likely that the character wasn't really killed, or was able to cling to life or otherwise get better. Sometimes this is simply because major characters are tricky to kill off, and sometimes this is because actors literally have contracts so news of the actor being fired or leaving the show will precede the character's death.

I decided yesterday should be cleaning day, and succeeded more than I meant to. As I was taking out the garbage from under the sink, something fluid ran out of it onto the carpet in the front hallway. So I decided to bust out the carpet cleaner and clean it up right away, and since I had the carpet cleaner out, I figured I'd start doing the carpet in my bedroom. So I currently have the bed flipped up on one wall with half the floor drying.

I also cleaned out and started reorganizing my storage closet. There is more of that to do as well--especially since there is more than the normal amount of bedding in there, since my bed is flipped up against the wall.

I didn't "write" so much as "think about story", but it still counts. Each little story discovery is valuable and gets me closer to the point where I can start putting proper words down.

I didn't socialize very much, but I was happy not to, so I'm calling it a rest day. I was hugely social on Thursday so I think it's fine.

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