Monday, 15 June 2015

Check-In: 2015-06-13 (Saturday) - 2015-06-14 (Sunday)

Happy Birthday, Bro.

Body: WIN! (walking, diet, sleep schedule recovery)
Mind: PASS (sleep schedule recovery)
Spirit: PASS (TV, gaming, walking outside, meditation)
Social: PASS (visiting with friends)

On Saturday I got up a little early (well, 9:30) to join Amber and Jason for a walk to the Farmer's Market (which they call "Bullet Farm" or "Bullet Farmies" in reference to the latest Mad Max). I bought lots of healthy good food.

For walking and eating well, I give myself a win.

However, I made the mistake of listening to some YouTube videos on meditation and relaxation. One of them suggested lying down, so I got comfortable on the couch... and then fell asleep for like five hours, waking up at suppertime. Suffice it to say, this blew my sleep schedule for the weekend rather badly.

At about 5 am Sunday morning and still not sleepy, I decided to power through all of Sunday without sleeping, and managed to do so, the result being that I was able to wake up around 10:30 this morning. Latish, yes, but manageable, and a solid recovery.

On the plus side, I watched a LOT of Community to get through it, and am now taking a second pass at it. The first time through I didn't see why people objected to season four, so I'm going to take another look to see if I get what bugged people about it.


Putting the learning stuff at the bottom now. It flows easier if the "score" and the "report" are adjacent, I think.

TV Trope: Unresolved Sexual Tension (UST) - Pretty straight forward, but can be very important in a lot of stories. Basically, this is what happens when two characters are attracted to each other, but for story reasons are unable to pursue the relationship. There's a lot to discuss here, but the important part is that UST works because it is based on anticipation: audiences are more fascinated by the dramatic question of "Will they get together?" than they are by the answer, "Yes" when it actually does happen (assuming it does).

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