Body: PASS (walking, diet, *yoga, *sleep)
Mind: WIN! (documentary watching, writing, research, Linux install)
Spirit: PASS (walking outside, TV, *yoga)
Social: WIN! (visiting with friends, corresponding & visiting with family over the phone)
* I've had some success with these things over the last few days, but could be improved.
But things are still pretty good in the body category. I really feel a need to get a yoga routine going again. I miss doing it regularly, but for some reason I'm finding it difficult to get that started. Partly this may be a sleep issue, as I could be getting to bed earlier (though I'm not getting to bed tragically late).
It's been a highly mental few days. Yesterday I installed Linux on my laptop and struggled for a while to get Unity to run. So far it isn't running yet, but it's a huge and complex program designed to run under Windows, so it isn't shocking that there are some tricks to it. The main problem is something to do with a registry entry, so I still have some options to pursue. Anyway, I've also been watching a lot of documentaries and thinking about big problems.
I re-watched the Kirk Sorensen videos I posted the other day, and I am still absolutely convinced that the most important thing for humanity in the near future is the development of cheap nuclear power, most likely the thorium LFTR though I'm not closed to the idea of fast-breeders if they can work. I may see what I can do to push my career in that direction. For example, there may be organizations needing communications professionals, or possibly I could work on doing some science writing in order to bring the esoteric world of nuclear science to the general public.
Anyway, I've also started re-watching The 10,000 Day War, the best documentary on the Vietnam war that I've ever seen, as it gives a ton of context to the situation and takes multiple perspectives, including the proponents and critics of the war. It's not as simple as "America was bad and then lost" nor "America was awesome and the war was totally justified."
Anyway, Telus managed to destroy phone connectivity for my parents recently and they finally got their landline back, though my mom's cellphone is no longer compatible with the upgraded networks in their region. But I was able to chat with her for the first time since she got back from her vacation in BC.
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