Friday, 8 May 2015

The Link Between Taste and Nutrition and The Link Between The NDP and AT-ATs

What I would like to talk about in today's post is nutrition. On Thursday on The Current they interviewed a guy called Mark Schatzker, who has the most interesting take on healthy diet that I've heard in a really long time.

But I probably shouldn't let this week go by without commenting on the Alberta election, the results of which are depicted above. While the obvious comment is something about an NDP majority in Alberta and how long it'll be before hell freezes over, I prefer to imagine the conservative vote experiencing it in terms of the ice planet of Hoth:

"NDP walkers spotted on the north ridge!"

"Socialist troops have entered the base! Socialist troops have entered the--[static]"

But I think Alberta needed a change. Again, in terms of the Star Wars franchise: I'm not sure if I like the idea of Disney doing the next movie or not, but they can't do a worse job than Lucas did, so heck, let's give it a shot! (After Han gets his shot, anyway, because he did shoot first.)

Though what I'm really thinking, as I pull on my toque and gloves in freaking May, is:

"I could be in Victoria right now."

1 comment:

  1. It got up to 24 by the airport...cooler by the water.
